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Message on Pakistan Day 23rd March

23.03.2010 14:56

Today, we are celebrating seventieth anniversary of the adoption of the historical Pakistan Resolution.  The Day reminds us of the valiant struggle, immense sacrifices and firm resolve of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the Muslims of the subcontinent in search of a separate homeland to live in peace and fashion their lives according to their own belief and culture.  

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Important landmarks of history do not reach their culmination without leadership’s determination, consistency and sacrifice of the people.  Our forefathers realized that salvation of their Nation lies in unity, therefore, they reposed their complete faith in the sagacious leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who was endowed with qualities of head and heart.  Quaid’s political acumen, vision, will as well as the spirit of self-sacrifice shown by the Muslims of the sub-continent translated the near impossible resolution into a reality in a short span of seven years.  The Architect of Pakistan led Muslims of the sub-continent out of the darkness of political bondage and frustration into the dawn of freedom, and gave direction to their quest for liberty and self-determination.


Pakistan Day anniversary calls for reappraisal of the national cause.  Pakistan was achieved through a democratic struggle.  The leadership of Pakistan movement stood for the rule of law, for freedom, social justice and representative rule where people would be the master of their destiny.  They envisaged Pakistan as a welfare State.   Therefore, whichever political party we may belong to, it is our collective responsibility to preserve and protect the democratic order in the country and make every effort to achieve the above mentioned goals.  Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said, “we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous, we should wholly and solely concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor.”


Pakistan Peoples Party has made the Quaid-e-Azam’s vision as part of its manifesto and is committed to implementing it in letter and spirit.  Our democratic government is taking concrete measures to turn Pakistan into a peaceful, progressive and prosperous country.  In line with the Quaid’s dream of Pakistan being a welfare state and democratic polity, we have initiated a process of wide-ranging reforms which include empowering Parliament, restoring the original character of the Constitution, establishing unity within diverse and broad strands of political opinions, harmonizing inter-provincial relations through administrative, political and fiscal autonomy among the federating units and strengthening democratic and judicial institutions. 


It is critical and decisive phase in our country’s history.  Our nation is up against extremism and terrorism, and stands firmly united behind its armed forces to eliminate the perpetrators of doom and gloom.  This war is a long haul as it is to be fought against a perverse mindset and conservative ideology.  We have a potent weapon in the form of the Pakistan Nationalism to win this war of ideas.  The essential message of this auspicious Day is that we as a nation reconnect ourselves to the spirit which characterized the 23rd of March 1940 and make a vow to project the Pakistan ideology at every level as a counterweight to the forces of extremism and darkness.


I call upon my fellow countrymen to renew our pledge on this Day that we will unwaveringly strive to make Pakistan a peaceful, prosperous and democratic state.  In spite of many trials and tribulations, our Nation has always emerged with renewed strength and confidence.  I am confident that despite the magnitude of challenges facing us both on internal and external fronts, we shall overcome them by grace of Allah Almighty, with the cooperation of all democratic forces and the support of people of Pakistan.


Prime Minister

Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani


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