RSS | PDA | Archive   Суббота 27 Июль 2024 | 1433 х.


07.05 14:06

“Xenophobic crimes threaten national security” - Yury Chaika, the Prosecutor General

Yury Chaika, Russian Prosecutor General, considers the xenophobic crimes and other extremist manifestations to be a threat to the national security and social stability.  ...

Special Report

16.12 11:42

Islamophobia in Europe: Reasons, Parameters, and Methods of Overcoming

The first reference to the term “islamophobia” appeared in an essay by an orientalist Etienne Dinet “The Orient in the eyes of the Occident” (1922) for defining negative attitude to Islam, that was traced back in many clashes b...


18.10 12:39

Kashmiris say "nothing short of self-determination". Zafar Alam Sarwar

Things in occupied Kashmir have heated up so much so that the valley, despite imposition of curfew, arrest of youths and state torture to them, seems turning into an inferno for India itself. Puppet chief minister Faruq Abdullah sought cut in powers abus...



16.12 12:44

Secular Europe and European Muslims