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Messages from President and Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan On occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day (5th. February 2009)

05.02.2009 17:51

  Pakistanis across the globe, observe 5th February, every year since 1991, as a day to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir who have been struggling and rendering unparalleled sacrifices to achieve their birthright, the right to self-determination, for the last over six decades.


Message from Mr. Asif Ali Zardari President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

We observe Kashmir Solidarity Day every year to express our unwavering political, moral and diplomatic support to the just struggle of our Kashmiri brethren for their right of self determination, as enshrined in the UN Charter and relevant UN resolutions.

Kashmir Solidarity Day is also an occasion to pay tribute to the countless sacrifices of the valiant people of Kashmir who have remained resolute and steadfast in the face of oppression spanning more than six decades.

I wish to reassure my Kashmiri brethren that Pakistan remains firmly committed to finding a just and peaceful solution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Kashmir. For more than six decades, the Kashmir issue remains on the agenda of the UN as an unfulfilled obligation. We will continue to support the Kashmiri people in their quest for realizing their right to self determination. Pakistan calls for an end to the human rights violations in the Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan would continue to pursue a resolution of the Kashmir dispute based on the wishes of the Kashmiri people. To that end, we believe that Kashmiris should be associated with the Dialogue process. We are in no doubt that ultimately, Kashmiris would be the final arbiter of their destiny.

I take this opportunity to reiterate to our Kashmiri brethren our pledge that they have Pakistan's full moral, diplomatic and political support. Their goals are our goals. Their dreams are our dreams. May Allah grant us the strength to continue our joint struggle.

Message of Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani

The people of Pakistan observe Kashmir Solidarity Day every year to demonstrate their unequivocal support for the valiant struggle for the Kashmiri people to achieve their legitimate right of self-determination in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions. It is a reaffirmation of our firm resolve to stand by our Kashmiri brothers and sisters in their endeavours to decide their own future.

The Kashmiri people s struggle for their right of self-determination is spread over almost six decades. Generations of Kashmiris have grown up under the shadow of oppression. They have lost their homes and hearths, friends and families, but they have not lost their hope.

Today as we observe the Kashmir Solidarity Day, our hearts go out to the families of more than ninety thousands Kashmiris who sacrificed their lives in upholding the ideals of freedom and liberty. The people with Pakistani and Kashmiri origin living anywhere in the world pay tribute to their sacrifices with a firm resolve to work tirelessly for realization of the rights of the people of Kashmir. We are confident that invaluable sacrifices of the people of Kashmir will not go in vain and that justice and freedom will eventually dawn in Kashmir.

We hope that the international community would play its role in bringing an end to the repression, violence and human rights violations being committed against the people of Kashmir.

I take this opportunity to reassure our Kashmiri brethren yet again of our unflinching support to their struggle for realization of their right of self-determination. This support shall continue until their struggle is crowned with success.

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